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Use These 9 Crystals for Improved Clarity and Concentration at Work

In the hustle of daily life, a cluttered mind can hinder productivity and lead to mistakes. While a vacation provides mental rejuvenation, when time off isn't an option, embrace alternative therapies like crystal therapy—simple, effective, and a supportive solution for regaining focus amid life's demands.

It’s difficult to get any work done if there’s too much going on in your mind. A chaotic mind will not allow you to think clearly or concentrate on your work. This will lead to errors, wrong judgment, and poor decisions. If this happens frequently, it will start impacting your productivity and your performance at work.
Usually, these things happen when you’re burnt out and tired. A vacation or some time off from work can help you get back your mental clarity. It energises you to get back to work with renewed vigour and sharp focus.
But what if you can’t take a few days off work?
In such situations, which are unfortunately becoming quite common, alternative therapies such as guided meditation, breathing exercises, and crystals can help you clear your mind and regain the ability to focus.
Among these three alternative therapies, crystal therapy is easy to implement and supports the other two as well.

What is Crystal Therapy?

Each crystal addresses specific issues related to emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Crystals are an energy source. Their energy can be used to remove negativity, energize, reduce stress and anxiety, and help bring balance to a person’s life and in the environment they live in.
Crystals can be used for boosting confidence, improving concentration and memory, getting clarity, relief from physical and emotional pain, grounding, learning to cultivate strength, intuition, self-love, and forgiveness, removing mental blocks, sparking creativity, managing grief, and getting protection from evil eye and negative energies.
To gain benefits from crystals you can either place them in your surroundings or wear them as jewelry in the form of pendants and bracelets.

Smoky Quartz - Crystal to Regain Focus

The Smoky Quartz clears up all the smoke in a muddled mind. It is useful for reducing anxiety, stress, and negative thinking, and regaining focus. So if you need to clear your mind and stabilize your thoughts, Smoky Quartz will help you do that.
You can keep a Smoky Quartz on your work desk and whenever you feel distracted or notice your thoughts wandering away from the job at hand, just hold your crystal in your hands, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and meditate on the work that you want to complete.
Sit in this meditative state for ten minutes and then slowly open your eyes. You will notice that you are feeling calmer, your mind has stabilized and is ready to take on the task.

Clear Quartz - Crystal to Set Clear Goals

This is a strong and powerful crystal, it is also known as the master healer. Like its name, this crystal aids in clearing the mind and overcoming unnecessary diversions. It helps set clear goals and chart out a roadmap on how you can achieve your goals.
You can use this in the form of jewelry or place it on your work desk. Whenever you feel your thoughts are getting clouded or you need to gain clarity about a task or before making a decision, sit in a meditative pose, hold your Clear Quartz in your hand, and speak out on what you want clarity.
The crystal will help clear your mind and set your path towards the solution.

Citrine - Crystal for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Also known as the crystal for entrepreneurs and business owners, this crystal attracts positivity and happiness towards its surroundings. If you’re stuck, experiencing a mental block, or feeling a little low on confidence, Citrine is the crystal for you. This crystal’s energies help unlock creativity and improve confidence. It is also known to bring prosperity.
You can use this crystal to clear a chaotic mind and remove blockages. It is quite helpful in refreshing a tired brain as well. To use this crystal, sit in a meditative pose with your eyes closed, take a few deep breaths, and hold your crystal in your hand.
Think about all the things that you need to accomplish. If you want to, you can also write them down. After this exercise, you will feel lighter and have the clarity to complete your task successfully.

Sodalite - Crystal to Focus On Important Matters

Brain fatigue not only affects your ability to concentrate but also impacts your memory. When you’re tired, you often find it difficult to recall things, forget, or draw a blank. Sodalite is the crystal to use in such times. This crystal helps bring back your focus to important matters, improves your intuition, and logical reasoning, and gives clarity.
You can place your Sodalite crystal on your desk or in your place of work to gain benefits from its uplifting energies. Whenever you feel tired and notice your focus wavering, sit in a meditative pose with your eyes closed, take the crystal in your hands, and focus on the crystal. This will energize your mind and invigorate you to get back to your work with renewed concentration and better understanding.

Rose Quartz - Crystal to Focus On Self Healing

Rose Quartz is known for its self-healing properties. It promotes self-love, and self-confidence, and improves self-esteem. When you’re feeling negative, dejected, discouraged, or unable to make a decision due to doubt, then the Rose Quartz is the crystal for you.
You can either wear your Roses Quartz crystal every day in the form of a pendant or bracelet or place it in your place of work. The crystal’s positive vibes and healing energy will help you overcome your negative feelings.
In case of extreme stress, sit in a meditative pose with your eyes closed, hold your Rose Quartz in your hands, take a few deep breaths, and repeat positive affirmations.

Amazonite - Crystal for Overcoming Fears and Stress

Sometimes we feel needless fear or hopelessness. It can cause anxiety, increase stress, and impact your work. The Amazonite crystal can help you overcome your fears and stress. Its healing energies give you hope, strength, and courage.
It helps you let go of unnecessary stress and regain your focus. This crystal is also beneficial for those who are unable to concentrate on one task for a long time.
You can place your Amazonite crystal in your place of work or use it as a pendant or bracelet.
When you’re feeling hopeless or tired, sit in a meditative pose with your eyes closed, hold your Sodalite crystal in your hands, take a few deep breaths, and allow the positive energies of the crystal to relieve your stress.

Green Aventurine - Crystal for Manifesting

Are you losing focus at work because you’re not getting the recognition you deserve or feeling stressed and agitated at work?
In either situation, the Green Aventurine crystal can be beneficial for you. This crystal helps get relief from work-related negativity, helps clear misunderstandings, and opens up avenues for gaining better opportunities at work.
This is a manifesting crystal. So clearly state your goals when you sit to meditate with your crystal. Keep on repeating it slowly and clearly in your head while you meditate.

Tiger’s Eye - Crystal for Confidence

A Tiger is always focused and has its eye on the goal. It is not easy to unnerve or scare away a tiger. And, that’s what this stone bearing the name of the majestic animal does. It gives you a clear focus and unwavering confidence to go after your goals.
You can place a Tiger’s Eye crystal on your work desk, in your work area, or carry it with you. When you feel overwhelmed, sit in a meditative pose with closed eyes, hold your Tiger’s Eye in your hands and let its healing energy help you find your courage and focus.

Black Tourmaline - Crystal for Protection

This is a protective crystal. It offers the user protection from the negative energies in the surroundings, reduces stress, and helps manage your own self-destructive habits.
You can place this crystal on your work desk or carry it with you wherever you go. When you are feeling extremely stressed or seem to be stuck in a toxic environment, meditate with this crystal. It will help you calm down and regain a positive frame of mind.
For best results develop a daily ritual with your crystal. It will help you imbibe the healing energies of the crystal and keep you focused on your goals.

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