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Find Your Creative Flow: 10 Planetary Energies Showing You the Way

Without creativity, the human race would cease to exist. Creativity is an inseparable part of our constitution and resides in all human beings. Creative forces permeate all of our existence and give us a unique sense of individuality.

But What Is Creativity, and Where Does It Come From?🤔

The creative forces can be beyond our conscious mind and have the power to guide us toward our intuition. They are our inspirations to create our own masterpiece.
It all begins as a spark within us and pester us till they have found their way into the tangible world.
It’s not always easy. These creative forces can be frustrating at times.
But once they express themselves through human instruments- masterpieces are born for the world to see.
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Did You Know That Every Planet Resonates With a Creative Energy and Has a Profound Effect on Us?
When you master the creative energy of your planet, you bring out the best in you.

But What Is the Energy of Each Planet and What Would It Mean for Us?🌍

Let’s find out…

What Is the Energy of the Sun and What Would It Mean for Us?

The Sun in the chart reveals our creative impulse. With the Sun, it's all about falling in love with this impulse. When we express ourselves through our creative urge- we truly radiate the beautiful light and the reason for our very existence.
However, creativity can both be baffling and relaxing. It's a bit of a challenge to relax into the creative experience. For some it may come with ease while for others- they might have to rattle a bit harder. Any new form of creativity - whether it's writing a new book or trying out a new dinner recipe is much like parenting a child.
Some of us might have to dig for enough strength to let out the creative impulse. But for some others, they must shun their strong attachments to let their creative vitality flow unhindered. The creative process enables us to tap into our greatest, hidden, and most sought-after potential.
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What Is the Energy of the Moon and What Would It Mean for Us?

The Moon represents our inner child. This inner child is symbolic of our intuitive energies, creativity, and flowing imagination. The Moon governs the domains of our subconscious. Thus, mastering the lunar energies can lead us to new creative territories.
These territories are beyond our comfort zones and inspire us to seek that which is hidden. When the Moon is in the picture - the creative energies are both the lull and the storm. The Moon enables us to be intimate with our intuitive energies and is a strong component of our creative experience.
It is through this lunar friend that we can feel the power of our innermost instincts and follow our greatest aspirations.

What Is the Energy of the Mercury and What Would It Mean for Us?

Mercury guides us to remove mental blocks and challenges that come while we’re still discovering and adapting to our creativity. This 'winged messenger' can help us re-programme our conscious mind enabling us to deeply connect with our creative impulses.
As a mental magnet, Mercury can make us overly analytical. Letting go of the analytics can be a bit of a challenge. The planet of logic gives us an insight into our creative forces. But it also comes with its own challenges. With mercury, we have to force shut the limitations of our analytical mind to see the beauty of creativity.
Do not dig before it's time for the seed to grow! The seed is there and must take its own time to germinate - similarly, we all are in the creative process and may take our sweet time to further develop these forces. Altered forms of mind and perception can lead us to experience miracles.
Mercury says - Brace yourselves, open your heart, and toughen your mind because it’s a tough ride to the core of your creative genius.

What Is the Energy of Venus and What Would It Mean for Us?

Anyone can get dressed up and be glamorous when they have to show up in the world. But ever wonder how they dress up when they are home and chilling? It’s intriguing, right?
Dressing up is about developing a creative relationship with yourself.
And nobody can spark that connection better than Venus.
Wearing the right kind of clothes, and jewelry and staying around certain possessions can inspire your creative instincts. It's all about setting up an environment that is both apt and creative. Creativity can help us find happiness through people and relationships.
Our equations with people modify, amplify, and take on a new form when our creativity seeps in. Our creativity keeps us in our happy place and our relationships take on a new meaning.
That’s because the creative process is both sensuous and psychic. And Venus is the very symbol of sensuality and balance in the process of your creativity. Your self-esteem will bathe in the surreal beauty when you dance to the tunes of your creative impulse and move into situations that create greater harmony for you.

What Is the Energy of Mars and What Would It Mean for Us?

Mars is all about breaking the rules while uncovering your creative impulse. it will give you the courage to cut across the obstacles that come your way while engaging in the creative process. For some people, Mars increases their assertiveness and makes them feel more confident about their way of expression.
This warrior planet will unfurl the creative fires within you. You might just have to get started to feel this fire within. Because once you start, the flames of your creative forces will arouse and carry you for the rest of their way.
Mars will give you the momentum to express your creative forces at their peak. But there's another dimension to Mars's unfurling of creative powers and that's anger! So be aware while you go deep within your creative land. You might feel pangs of anger coming up along with the intense urge to turn your thoughts into actions and reality…

What Is the Energy of Jupiter and What Would It Mean for Us?

Jupiter inspires you to utilize your belief to expand your creativity. This planet symbolizes the appreciation of life and its fullness so that your creativity will come to fruition.
It represents the delicate mesh of belief and humor. This combination can be magical when you want to get aligned with your creative forces. Loads of talent with a dash of luck can work wonders for you. With Jupiter, you can derive this faith by taking up a course, reading a book, or through a teacher.
A teacher can positively embed faith in you and expand your creative interests. Exploring your physical and mental planes too can make creativity a wholesome experience for you.

What Is the Energy of Saturn and What Would It Mean for Us?

Saturn symbolizes how we get more concentrated and focused. The Saturnian forces symbolize that both concentration and focus are deeply linked with creativity. This planet also stresses on the urgency of dedication, steadfastness, and loyalty toward your creativity.
The power of commitment that Saturn brings out can work wonders in the creative process. Out of fear, some people may even refrain from getting into the creative process. And obviously so as the fear and excessive concentration can drain you and even make you lose self-control.
That’s scary, right?
So, instead of being too far-sighted, focus on the first step and forget the rest.
The first structured step - no matter how small, it will push you towards your goals. Sometimes if you find something hard to finish - then just focus on the first step. This first step is precious, the founding stone, and will take you a long way in your creative process.

🌟 Learn more about what lies ahead in the coming months through an in-depth planetary transit report.

What Is the Energy of Uranus and What Would It Mean for Us?

Uranus symbolizes the transformation through the creative process. Uncertainties and venturing into the unknown can lead to exploring your creative potential.
In this process of evolution, excessive emotion and passion might be unlocked in the process. In that case, Uranus, the planet of objective awareness can help you express your unique consciousness.
Uranus is an interesting planet and was discovered in 1971. While the other planets are straight up and down, Uranus tilts on one side during its orbital cycle. This planet was discovered between the French and American revolutions. Found amidst world turbulence, this planet is considered bohemian, a trendsetter, and the one that sets the spirit free. Thus, Uranus inspires you towards creative vision and liberating more options.
Befriend your creative side, explore your individuality, and go beyond societal and peer pressure. Uranus implies that don't always try to look for a 'nod' from others while you engage in your creative ride.
Peers may stimulate your creative insights while the support groups may join with some enthusiasm - but it's ultimately you who weave the magic.

What Is the Energy of Neptune and What Would It Mean for Us?

Neptune symbolizes the spiritual link to your creativity. So, tapping into your intuitive forces is the key ingredient to getting in touch with your creativity. Creativity is a spontaneous process and Neptune sets the creative forces in motion.
Each time you take a creative risk, you open up infinite possibilities of transformation. It is through this planet, that intuition and creativity find a deep link. Neptune is all about merging with your intuitive forces and setting a stage for creative freedom to dance.
Have faith in your creative energies and let go of the right brain energies. It's the belief in the higher forces that set the creative forces rocking. It is stepping out of your comfort zones, your usual territories that will lead you into exploring new paths.
Neptune is all about dropping your ego and assumptions to capture the intimate moments with your soul.

What Is the Energy of Pluto and What Would It Mean for Us?

Death, rebirth, and self-mastery are all the dimensions that Pluto represents.
So, with Pluto anything that you create forms a deep psychological bond with you. Whatever you create is a part of you - of your existence. Thus, your product of creation does not only appeal to your senses but also to your ego. Through the creative process, Pluto brings about the death of the 'lower you' and the rise of the 'higher self'.
Each time, this planet intensifies your need to create and be one with your creation. Thus, this planet is symbolic of your creative power. Pluto also symbolizes the hidden worlds and each time you create - it brings about psychological cleansing.
This cleansing not only throws your creative potential to the forefront but also brings your hidden fears into the light. The intensity with which you create can turn into compulsion and obsession. These compulsive and obsessive energies can lead to massive growth and transformation. Self-mastery comes easily if you cut through the layers of your consciousness that are holding you back.
Creativity is never-ending and has huge applications (almost in all the spheres of our lives). Be it parenting, business, and communication, or dealing with challenges, creativity is an integral part of our existence.

But How Can You Unlock Your Creativity for Yourself?🎨

The secret lies in your birth chart.
Your Birth chart (also called as root chart) is your personal blueprint to grow and shine with creativity in this lifetime. Once you know how to deep dive into your birth chart and identify your planetary cycles and energy, you can easily pin down your unique creative energies.
Sometimes our creativity is shadowed by our own fears, that live in our subconscious that block these energies.
Reading your birth chart will give you that extra push to keep your fear aside and tap into your hidden creative power.
Once you do that, you'll realize that the magic in you that you’d been looking all over was always inside you.

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