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Pluto’s Transit In Aquarius 2024: We Will Never Be The Same Again!

Beware - astrology's planet Pluto portends intense upheaval. As lord of the underworld, this formidable heavenly force represents death itself, mercilessly destroying societal structures and individual lives deemed obsolete.
Pluto's scorching glare turns civilizations into court catastrophes, spiralling matters into chaos. Yet like the mythical phoenix, this planet of ruination also signifies radical renewal after the ashes settle.

What’s the big deal with Pluto?

Consider how history reshaped itself when Pluto last inhabited this realm from 1778 to 1798. Back then, the planet Uranus was but newly birthed into astronomers' sight.
Smallpox scourged populations until the first vaccine awakened medical hope. Meanwhile, revolutions roiled across America, Haiti and France as thinkers and peasants alike overthrew calcified social orders. The Industrial Revolution too churned society into its modern mold.
Its ruthless nature serves evolution. What emerges is stronger for having weathered the crumbling away of the unsound. Pluto's gift is knowledge and wisdom gained by courageously confronting darkness.

When does Pluto enter Aquarius?

Pluto will make multiple dips into Aquarius over 2024 and 2043 before fully settling into the sign. After entering early 2024, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn from September 2024 to November 2024. This backward shift lets us integrate the new Aquarian changes taking root.
Finally, on November 19, 2024, Pluto re-enters Aquarius, occupying this innovative sign continuously for over 18 years. Not until March 8, 2043, does this powerful planet complete its last transit of Aquarius.

What to expect during Pluto’s transit in Aquarius 2024?

For nearly two decades, Pluto's complete occupancy promises a societal shake-up. As the planet of extremes dwells in the realm of science and revolution, we can expect major technological advances along with the rise of reform movements aimed at a more equitable distribution of power and resources.
Pluto's current entrance into Aquarius carries great weight - as it spends 248 years slowly traversing the entire zodiac wheel. Most will never live to witness this planet creeping through the sign of the Water Bearer more than once. The few who now glimpse Pluto dawn in Aquarius stand as rare witnesses to an astrological event unmatched in rarity.
This icy underworld dwarf ingresses the Water Bearer, we find human civilization progressing upon the next colossal turning point. No one can accurately prophesy what radical transformations or zeitgeists this generational planet will seed over its 20-year tenure. Yet if the last transit sparked such scintillating invention and emancipation, we should all stand ready for revolution anew!

Who will feel the effects of Pluto in Aquarius?

Everyone TBH!! Yes, everyone will feel the sociopolitical impact of this transit on some level over the next 20 years!!
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If you're curious about how Pluto’s movement into Aquarius will specifically influence different areas of your life, download our accurate app Upastrology.

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For example, If you have your Moon in Aquarius, you are in for a period of deep emotional evolution. You could become more open to unconventional ways of expressing emotions or seek emotional connections that are more aligned with your ideals.
There could be a shift in how you seek comfort and security, moving away from traditional views and embracing more progressive or innovative emotional landscapes.
No planets in the Aquarius sign? No worries check which house Aquarius occupies. For instance, for individuals with Aquarius in the 9th house, Pluto's transit might ignite a deep and transformative journey in these areas.
You may find yourself questioning and revising your belief systems and philosophies. This could be through exposure to new ideas, cultures, or ways of thinking that challenge your previous perceptions. The experience could be akin to a profound mental and spiritual metamorphosis, leading to a more inclusive and innovative worldview.

To understand how Pluto’s transit in Aquarius 2024 will affect you, explore what it means for your zodiac sign.

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Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Aries and Aries Rising

This transit will occur in your 11th house, focusing on renovations in your social life, community involvement, and friendships. You may discover new desires in these areas and experience changes in your social connections.
Aries will experience a transformation in social circles, community involvement, and friendships. This period fosters new connections, aligning with groups that resonate with deeper aspirations. Beware of overattachment in your social life. Challenges may arise, prompting a reevaluation of friendships.
Embrace this as an opportunity to cultivate more genuine relationships and redefine long-term dreams. It's a powerful time for networking, offering educational and empowering experiences but also revealing true allies.
Tip: Reconnect with friends you've lost touch with - this transit will help rekindle the spark!

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Taurus and Taurus Rising

For Taurus rising, Pluto in Aquarius transits the 10th house. This period is about upheaval and renovation in ambitions, careers, and public life. There may be a discovery of new ambitions and a need to deal with challenges in these areas.
Taurus faces significant changes in career and public image, urging a reassessment of ambitions and professional paths. This cycle intensifies your drive, potentially attracting jealousy or scrutiny. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and improved self-confidence.
Discover hidden ambitions and confront fears related to career performance. Address paranoia about status and eradicate it to emerge more confident and capable in your professional sphere.
Tip: Don't be afraid to ask for that promotion or switch careers - this transit gives you the confidence boost you need.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Gemini and Gemini Rising

This transit takes place in your 9th house, indicating a period of transformation in your belief system, worldview, and educational pursuits. It's a time for broadening your horizons and exploring new ideas.
Gemini will undergo a radical shift in belief systems, worldview, and educational pursuits. It's a time for intellectual exploration, potentially leading to a complete transformation of your perspective.
Open yourself to new ideas and experiences, as this period promises a profound overhaul of your outlook on life. Embrace the changes in your thought processes and philosophical beliefs, preparing for paradigm shifts that broaden your understanding of the world.
Tip: Read broadly and have deep conversations to give your curious mind some juicy food for thought.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Cancer and Cancer Rising

For those with Cancer rising, Pluto in Aquarius impacts the 8th house. This transit brings changes in matters of intimacy, shared finances, and deep psychological issues. You may confront and transform deep-seated habits and dependencies.
Cancer experiences deep psychological changes, exploring hidden aspects of the psyche. Areas of intimacy, shared resources, and deep-seated fears undergo transformation. This phase uncovers previously unknown desires and drives, leading to intense personal growth.
Power dynamics in relationships may surface, offering opportunities for healing and deeper understanding. Embrace this period as a chance for emotional liberation and the strengthening of intimate bonds.
Tip: Spend quality time with loved ones and discuss heart-to-heart topics to become closer.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Leo and Leo Rising

Leo rising will experience this transit in the 7th house, which governs partnerships and one-on-one relationships. This is a time of transformation in how you relate to others and understand your relationship needs.
Leo's journey involves transformative experiences in relationships and one-on-one interactions. This period reveals new dimensions of partnerships, bringing Pluto’s intense energy into personal connections. Discover unacknowledged relationship needs and use this as a catalyst for authentic and profound connections.
Expect challenges that invite self-exploration and deeper understanding in relationships. It's a time to leave behind superficial interactions and embrace meaningful, transformative connections.
Tip: Reflect on whether your needs are being met in relationships and don't settle for less than you deserve.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Virgo and Virgo Rising

With Virgo rising, Pluto in Aquarius transits your 6th house, focusing on work, health, and daily routines. This period may bring significant changes in these areas, driven by deeper needs and ambitions.
Virgo will see significant transformations in work, health, and daily routines. This period demands reevaluation and change in daily practices and approaches to wellness. Discover deeper needs and ambitions, driving changes in productivity and lifestyle.
It's a time to let go of outdated habits and embrace new, healthier routines. These changes aim to master your reality, improving efficiency and well-being.
Tip: Try a new healthy habit like meal-prepping or restorative yoga to reduce stress.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Libra and Libra Rising

For Libra rising, the transit occurs in the 5th house, affecting creative expression, romance, and leisure. You may connect with deeper desires related to these areas and experience changes in how you express yourself.
Libra enters a phase of deep connection with creative and romantic desires. Focus on self-expression, embracing changes in how you approach creativity and leisure. This period encourages a serious attitude towards artistic pursuits and romantic relationships, seeking greater depth and authenticity.
Embrace the transformative energy in your creative life and love affairs, leading to a more passionate and expressive existence.
Tip: Reignite your passion for hobbies and fun adventures that make your spirit feel alive.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Scorpio rising will see this transit in the 4th house, indicating transformations in personal life, home, and family matters. It's a time for paying more attention to your personal world and possibly dealing with controlling tendencies.
Scorpio faces transformations in personal life, home, and family dynamics. This period brings attention to your emotional world, potentially leading to obsessive or controlling tendencies.
Focus on renovations in your personal space and family relationships. It's a time for inner-child healing and addressing deep-seated emotional issues, creating a more solid foundation for future growth and stability.
Tip: Consider family counselling to heal past hurts from childhood and set future generations up for success.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

For Sagittarius rising, Pluto in Aquarius impacts the 3rd house. This period is about changes in communication, learning, and personal interests. You may experience a strong focus on how you connect and communicate.
Sagittarius will experience profound changes in communication and personal interests. This period redefines how you connect and express yourself, bringing ambition and depth to your interactions.
Embrace the challenge of transforming your communication style and learning new topics. This is a time of deep renovation in how you perceive and relate to the world, leading to more meaningful and impactful connections.
Tip: Take or teach an exciting class that indulges your free-spirited intellectual side.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

With Capricorn rising, the transit occurs in your 2nd house, affecting your approach to finances, personal belongings, and self-worth. This period brings deep changes in these areas.
Capricorn's focus shifts to personal finances, values, and self-worth. This period brings deep changes in how you manage resources and perceive your worth. Confront and transform beliefs and behaviours related to finances, leading to a more balanced and empowered approach to material possessions and self-value.
Embrace this period as an opportunity to redefine your relationship with money and personal assets.
Tip: Meet with a financial advisor to grow your money in savvy ways.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Aquarius rising experiences this transit in the 1st house, which relates to self-identity and personal projection. Expect deep changes in your personality, image, and attitudes towards new beginnings.
As this transition happens for the first time in your life, this shift might be felt more intensely by you than others, marking a period of profound personal transformation.
Aquarius undergoes significant changes in personality, self-presentation, and attitudes towards new beginnings. This period challenges you to transform your identity, potentially leading to drastic changes in appearance and personal expression.
Embrace your evolution, allowing for a profound reinvention of self. This is a time of major personal transformation, leading to a renewed sense of identity and purpose.
Tip: Join a cause or volunteer for an organization that resonates with your unique interests.

Effects of Pluto transit in Aquarius for Pisces and Pisces Rising

For Pisces rising, the transit takes place in the 12th house. This is a time for transformations related to mental health, downtime, and closure. You may experience changes in how you deal with endings and your subconscious mind.
Pisces faces introspective changes, focusing on mental health, downtime, and closure. This period brings deep transformations in how you approach endings and internal reflection.
Embrace changes in your unconscious mind, leading to greater emotional clarity and spiritual growth. This is a time for internal renovations, offering opportunities for healing and understanding the deeper aspects of your psyche.
Tip: Keep a journal to make sense of your dreams and process deep emotions.

Phew! While such widespread transformation can feel intimidating or overwhelming, Pluto brings opportunities for society's growth rather than outright destruction. As we let go of stubborn attachments to the status quo, we make room for progress and regeneration - much like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Pluto reminds us that if something is real and important, it cannot be truly broken.

For when we excavate and examine our buried flaws, falsehoods and internal crumbling, wisdom takes root in the newly fertile soil. That which withstands this baptism by fire emerges renewed, authentic and empowered.
Such is Pluto's gift - the promise of radical renewal always nestled in the ashes of demolition. As the mythical firebird boldly arises, so too can we all transcend Pluto's flames of destruction.

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