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The Phases of the Moon and Your Love Life: What to Do and When!

The Moon is deeply connected with our emotions, how we express them to the outer world, and how we love and care for people. It is also related to our need for safety and security and how we ask for it from the people in our lives. And our love life is inexplicably connected with all of this-our emotions, our desire to build a safe and secure life, and the giving and taking of care and nourishment.

And because of this, the Moon also affects our love life and phases of the Moon add ebbs and flows to it. Each phase of the Moon has a different impact on your love life. For example, some phases demand that you put in extra effort to connect with your partner, some phases ask you to slow down, and some teach you to stand up for yourself, draw boundaries, have difficult conversations, and if things don’t seem to be working out, some phases teach you to let go.

Here’s how you can manage your love life based on the phases of the Moon

Phase 1: New Moon-A Fresh Start
The New Moon brings you a clean slate — a fresh opportunity to create the life of your dreams. This is a time for gathering your strength, meditating, spending time with yourself, and quiet contemplation. If you are single, spend time thinking about the kind of life you want for yourself and the kind of person you want to spend it with. Write down what you expect from your relationship, what you can give to it, and what the qualities are that you want in your partner.
If you’re already with someone special, then try to figure out where the relationship is going, what you need to do to make it stronger or work, and what expectations you have from your partner with regards to this relationship. Ask your companion to do the same.
Whether you’re single or partnered, the answers to these questions will not only help you understand yourself vis-a-vis the relationship but will also shed some light on whether this association works for the long term.
Phase 2: The Waxing Crescent Moon-Plan
The second phase of the Moon is for making plans based on the wish list you made in the New Moon phase. If you’re already with someone, then sit with your partner and go through your lists that you made during the New Moon phase. If there is one, how can you both address it so that the relationship progresses to a point where you are both happy and comfortable?Put all of this on paper—create a roadmap for your relationship.
If you are single, then start by making yourself ready to accept love in your life. Create a place for another person. You can do this by writing down affirmations related to your ideal partner and relationship, creating space in your home for another person—for example, decluttering your space, making room in your closet. Through your actions and words, let the universe know you are ready to bring love into your life.
Phase 3: First Quarter New Moon-Set Plans in Action
The third phase of the New Moon is quite important. It is time to take decisive action. If you are partnered, start working towards making your relationship better. Check the relationship roadmap you made in the previous phase and start working on removing the gaps in your relationship. Based on the feedback your partner gave you, put in some work on yourself.
If you’re single, it’s time to start accepting invites to places, events, and parties where there’s a likelihood of meeting other single people. Sign up for the dating app!
Phase 4: Waxing Gibbous Moon-Adjustments
Ahh. A tricky word and an even more distasteful task Most people don’t like to make adjustments or compromise. But if you want to make long-term relationships work, then you have to make some changes—these can be to your lifestyle, habits, or thought process.
Yes, singles may have to make some adjustments as well.Have you gone on a few dates or met someone interesting but couldn’t carry forth the association? Try to understand what could have gone wrong. Was it your unrealistic expectations, or maybe a behavioural trait that put off the other person? Spend some time reflecting and be open to making positive changes.
Phase 5: Full Moon-Pause
The Full Moon means completion. It is also a day when emotions run high. The environment is charged with energy. So, whether you are single or paired with the love of your life, take this time off from any relationship topics, lest you say something you might later regret.
Use this phase to take a break from all things relationships—no, this does not mean you leave your partner. It just means you don’t talk about any issues or where the relationship is headed or what either of you wants from it. This period is not for difficult conversations; it's for enjoying each other’s company and savouring what you’ve already built together. And if you are single, don’t set up any dates. Take this time to just meet people in groups, attend parties, or spend time with your friends.
Phase 6: Waning Gibbous Moon-Rest, Refresh, and Recharge
Continuing the theme from the previous phase, spend this phase taking an emotional, physical, and mental rest. Use this time to go on a mini vacation, spend quality time with your family and friends (of course, if you have someone in your life, you can include them too), and have fun.
You can also use this period to indulge in self-care activities such as going to a spa or, if with someone, making it a couple’s day out. If you’re single, then go book yourself a relaxing massage. This is also an ideal time to start a fitness routine or make a positive change to your diet.
And while you are taking the time off to rest and recharge, say a little thank you to the universe for all the good things and people it has brought into your life. And, share your intentions for the kind of life partner and the kind of life you want to build.
Phase 7: Third Quarter Moon-Time for a Chat
If you are with someone, this is an important phase for your relationship. Sit with your partner and have a heart-to-heart open conversation about what’s working, what’s not, where you have reached on the roadmap, and give each other feedback on the changes you both had to make to keep the relationship growing. Have you both put in the required work and are making equal efforts to build a long-lasting and loving association?
Be open about what you think, want, and how you want to progress. If you both feel that it may not work in the long term, then this is a good time to say your goodbyes. If you’re single, then give yourself an honest assessment of how far you’ve come on the journey to find the one. Have you been able to let go of your toxic habits or attitudes that have been working against you? If not, then this would be a good time to start to work on yourself.
Phase 8: Waning Crescent Moon-Assessment and Contemplation
Depending on how the conversation with your partner goes in the previous phase, you could either use this time to understand what went wrong, where you were lacking in your efforts, and what made you hesitate to put in the work required to sustain and nurture the relationship.
If you are together, then you can use this time to get to know each other better and work on how to take your relationship to the next level. Similarly, if you are single, then take a cue from the previous phase and spend some time on your own and work on developing good habits, improving your lifestyle, and building on your positive strengths.

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