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Opportunity or Obstacle? Exploring the New Moon in Leo 2023 for Personal Growth

What - New Moon in Leo.
When - 16th August 2023 at 9:38 am.
What to expect - self-indulgence and tapping into creativity.
What to be cautious of - self-obsession, irritability and major shifts in relationships.

New moons have always been exciting for astrologers. When the divine firmaments turn completely dark, you shine out! New Moons are about intention setting, planting the seeds of your enhancement and outgrowing the hindrances.
What’s even more special is that this New Moon is happening in the fiery sign of Leo. Leo is the sign of heart and purely deals instinctively. With the New Moon here, you could get explosive and react almost instantly. The energy build-up will be tremendous, and let’s in what ways you could harness this seismic shift in your daily mechanics.

Optimise Your Priorities during the Leo New Moon Phase 🌑

Leo is a fire sign. Ruled by the luminary Sun, this sign is always edgy and eager to rush into things. With the New Moon here, this time could bring about a sudden rush of energy in your heart. You’ll feel you instantly want to change things around you, win admiration and do something unusual that’ll impress people.
But you must rein in your needs gushing in from all sides.
The filter is the idea we suggest you apply during this New Moon.
With too much happening in your mind, prune down the thoughts and prioritise the things that you need to do first.
During this Full Moon, your inner child will be out in the open. This is the best time to listen to yourself and reconnect with the learner in you. Your heart and blood circulation will turn a little more sensitive during this time.
The New Moon in Leo will unfold a dynamic process, and the phenomena of reality will unfold a little differently this time. The heart is intricately associated with joy, and with the blood circulation under the heavy influence of this New Moon, your mind and body will effectively come under evaluation. To ensure a smooth blood flow, avoid getting antsy and rushing into things.
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Know Your Creative Energy under the Influence of the New Moon 🎨

Your passions will reignite during this New Moon. Leo is already a romantic sign, and if you’re married or dating someone - it's time to plan something exciting for your sweetheart.
You’ll turn creative at everything!
Whether it's coming up with indoor play ideas for your toddlers or planning a sumptuous meal for your partner, you’ll pop in creativity at whatever you do. Your ideas that had previously been amorphous will start crystallising! This is why intention-setting this new moon will be more important than ever.
Self-care hacks and self-help books, too, shall find some secret corner in your shelf. The Leo lunation is making you confident and calling out to become a little more aware of your body. You’ll be able to express your heart’s desires and start gaining clarity over your ideas- especially the ones that you need to apply instantly.

Yoyoing Relationship Mechanics 💑

Leo is purely a self-obsessive species. The New Moon darting into this sign clearly indicates an accelerating need for self-indulgence.
While this New Moon is going to be a spiritual one and keep you occupied with a lot of things, your relationships will surely undergo a dynamic shift.
Too much preoccupation with the ‘self’ can impact your relationships in a negative way. Besides nudging your creativity, this New moon, your personal relationships also need to be taken greater care of. The very idea of self-care could incite great excitement, but watch out for your relationship status with those who closely surround you.
The Leo New Moon is a potent period, so watch out for your actions and avoid being selfish while you solely focus on yourself.

🦁 What’s Your Sign?

The Leo Lunation will affect the twelve signs in significant ways. Though happening in the element of fire, this New moon will not let go of the other four elements of its control. Check your sign and see how it regulates fine control over your mind.
Birth Chart ☀️

Reveal your moon sign with our free birth chart calculator. Gain self-knowledge and emotional insight. Unlock your inner mysteries. Let your moon sign guide you.

1. Aries a - Think about your strengths and explore different career paths. You’ll feel unusually excited. So, this is the best time to pursue your passions and look for the high points in your day.
2. Taurus b - Be honest with yourself and others. This is the time to get out of your comfort zone and try out things that truly excite you. It's great if you're spending too much of your time with your partner. But don't forget to make time for yourself.
3. Gemini c - Book clubs, networking events, local bars, hitting the gym - there are various ways to expand your network. Meet new people and hitch out common ideas to talk on.
4. Cancer d - Your salary levels, personal expenditures, money margins, promotions - everything relating to your finance could take centre stage for you. Take chances, but not before developing your skills.
5. Leo e - It's New Moon in your sign! So much like a homecoming for you, dear Leo. Take charge and express yourself. Of course, while you do, watch your zest and words both.
6. Virgo f - You’ll withdraw in your shell. Engaging in solitude will bring about healing. Self-exploration will bring you closer towards your interests and desires. Rest and relaxation will work best for you during this solitary period.
7. Libra g - Choose your company wisely. You can’t vibe with all, and it's just okay to be selective. This is a growing time for you, so be sure of who you wish to spend your time with.
8. Scorpion h - Imperfections are beautiful, but this time, you may not be able to give them space. You’ll be under scrutiny, especially in your workplace. So watch your vibe, communicate better and learn to let go.
9. Sagittarius i - Explore the places around you. If it isn’t short trips or long-distance journeys, then lay your hands on exploring a nearby coffee shop, library or restaurant with a friend. This new moon is heightening your adventurous spirit.
10. Capricorn i - Keep your heart and mind light. This new moon could be a bit heavy for you. Contemplate less, live more and let go.
11. Aquarius k - Meet people with an open heart. It's okay to be vulnerable, as it will only bring you into the space of truth. Do not tighten on your emotions and avoid being instantly reactive towards unpleasant happenings. Mindfulness will come as an important tool this New moon.
12. Pisces l - Stay aware of your emotions and mood. To do this, watch your body first. This is a great time to correct your eating patterns, slash on tobacco/alcohol and exercise a little more than you usually do.

Rituals for Growth During Leo New Moon 🌙

To crack the Leo Lunation energies in a healthier way, here are five top rituals:
Go for therapies 🌟
Opting for therapies like aromatherapy, therapeutic touch, yoga, and the like will cleanse you psychologically. Intention setting is an important element of the Leo New Moon. So you need an empty mind, and through cleansing, you make space for the tremendous energy that will arise in you this New Moon.
Take care of your heart ❤️
Eat stuff that will cool your body down and soothe your heart. Canola, corn, olive, nuts and seeds, tofu, avocados, safflower and legumes are considered heart-healthy foods. Also, limit consuming sugars, sodium and alcohol.
Avoid heavy exercise ️ 🏋️‍♀
Getting too much exercise during the Leo Lunation could end you up in trouble. Do not overstress your heart and body. Try slow and rhythmic breathing to smoothen out your blood pressure and ensure that your body remains aware of the subtle energies of the leo new moon.
Journal your thoughts 📖
Write down what you feel. Journaling your thoughts will enable you to clear your mind, feel organised and connect with your inner wisdom this new moon.
Meditate 🧘‍♀️
Do not skip meditating (at least three days before, after and during the New Moon). Meditating during this time will enable you to explore your mind and significantly bring out your strengths and weaknesses. Let’s not go for high meditation of the Zen monks - if you can, great! Simply focusing on your breath will do the work.

Taking Your Time to Unwrap Opportunities During the Leo New Moon 🕰️

The New Moon exists only for a very brief time, but its energy is said to linger three days before and after. A super powerful period by nature, the New moon in Leo is all about you! Your lifestyle, your dietary habits, your interactions with yourself and people around you - everything is about you during this time.
This is the right time to be aware of your toxic habits and work on them.
Jumbled emotions could pop now and then, but the more you deal with yourself patiently, the more you'll benefit from this New Moon. Choose any one of the rituals (if not all of the five) and consistently work on it.
However, again, do not rush in. Be it communicating with people, exploring your creativity or getting in touch with your inner child, take your time to harness the elusive energies of this New Moon and create a better version of yourself.

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