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Top 8 Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology

When you met your partner, was there an instant spark? A feeling of recognition?
Have you always wondered if you two were destined to be together but didn’t know how to find out for sure? Or did you wonder if you’d met your soulmate but weren’t sure how to prove they were the real deal?

Astrology can shed some light on this, using ancient wisdom to provide you with some answers. When reading synastry, you must consider the entire chart to find out if they’re your soulmate or not; however, there are some particularly strong tell-tale aspects that you can look for.

Find out in the below given list if you and your love have one of the most significant soulmate indicators in synastry!

Pluto Aspecting the South Node in Synastry

Contact between these two significant placements can show a certain type of destiny at play – a destiny that has been playing out for multiple lifetimes. The South Node often displays our past lives and the karma we brought into this world with us.
These relationships can carry a certain intensity and heat; they’re almost always karmic soulmates brought to you with the intention of helping you grow and transform.
It may not last forever, though it certainly could, but you both certainly have a purpose for one another – usually, transformation with the Pluto person bringing much-needed revolutionary, deep transformation to the South Node person and the South Node person offering devotion, structure, and support to the Pluto person.

Venus Aspecting Venus in Synastry

With significant Venus contacts, you two will share similar interests, values, and love languages. You’ll have similar aesthetics and seamlessly blend in this area. You two probably got close quickly and instantly felt as though you could trust one another. You bring each other feelings of happiness, romance, and security.
There’s a reason for all of this – this is a very common soulmate aspect that can indicate that you two were destined to love one another!
Strongest in conjunction and trine, weakest in Sextile and other aspects, this can be a real powerhouse aspect to build upon for many years of marriage.
This love is one that seldom fades.

Venus Aspecting the North Node in Synastry

Wow! Can it get any more destined than this? It is part of your soul’s path to love this person. The Venus person will propel the North Node person to their destiny, and the North Node person will, in turn, treasure and shower the Venus person with love and gratitude. This is overall a very positive aspect; however, it should be noted that sometimes this indicates a past life wound that must be healed.
Past life readings may observe that one of you lost the other too soon in a previous life or there was some other blockage preventing you from coming together. Thus, you’ve come together in this life to rectify it and heal together.
The strong, energetic pull you’ll feel to one another is real and valid, but dig a little deeper because you’ll find there’s work for you both to do to stay together.

Jupiter Conjunct the Descendant in Synastry

While no single aspect can keep a relationship together, if it could, it would be Jupiter conjunct the descendant.
This is a lovely aspect that brings luck, good fortune, expansion, and happiness to the descendant person in particular – these two will reap many rewards in partnership/marriage.
Jupiter can show the descendant person optimism, and the descendant person can show Jupiter steadfast commitment and love that is as close to unconditional as it gets. There is a feeling of destiny here – the planet Jupiter has a higher plan for you both.
If these two get married, longevity is almost inevitable. This is a life-changing relationship.

Vertex-Venus Aspects in Synastry

Vertex is a point in your chart that usually requires activation to bring about any significance in your life. In synastry, any of your partner's personal planets can act as the activator, but the most powerful is no doubt going to be Venus.
This is an intense and beautiful aspect.
First, The Vertex person finds their ideal in the Venus person; they usually tick every box for what they want in a partner, meet every aesthetic ideal and can even leave the Vertex person feeling a little dumbstruck or out of their depths.
The Venus person enjoys the love and romance they receive from the vertex person and learns the meaning of true dedication and commitment via this. They both recognise the fated feeling that the relationship comes with.
These relationships often develop at a rapid pace. Without other supporting aspects, It may fizzle out, but there’ll be no doubt between you that this was written in the stars.

Moon Trine Pluto in Synastry

Moon trine Pluto relationships are a lot of things, but superficial they are not! Pluto brings out lots of intense emotions, insecurities, and fears of the Moon person. In turn, the Pluto person easily becomes obsessed with the Moon person.
Two words that are synonymous with Plutonian relationships – intensity and obsession.
The moon person may feel as though they can’t be without the Pluto person, and if badly aspected or undeveloped, the Pluto person may be tempted to play on this. This is a very fated bond, and you both know it; it’s not certain that you’ll be together forever – few could hold up to this intensity forever.
One thing is for sure, though, you were meant to come together, and you’ll never be the same again after this!

Moon Trine Moon in Synastry

While not an intense, smouldering aspect, it is no less beautiful. Moon trine moon can make both people feel as though they’ve finally 'come home’. They are totally safe with one another and have a strong, secure bond.
They’ll often share the same values, feelings, and thoughts and may even enjoy a connection that is near telepathic. If they try to separate, it’s likely to be painful or maybe even impossible. They find it so easy to become enmeshed and merged with one another.
This is a harmonious aspect, and you may wind up accidentally moving in with one another – one person stays with the other and just never goes home… that really summarises this relationship. Everything just gently falls into place – on a soul level, you’re exactly where you need to be, and it is blissful.

Mars Trine Moon in Synastry

Contacts between Mars and the Moon are often somewhat challenging. Mars and the Moon are almost diametrically opposed – it is the nature of the god of war versus the nature of the mother. But in this trine formation, they work well.
These two come together for a reason; they are balanced. Feminine and Masculine (irrespective of gender/sexuality) Moon brings a gentle, feminine, understanding, and nurturing energy to the Mars person. Mars brings loving, protective, masculine, passionate, and smouldering energy to the Moon person. Mars will feel very protective of the Moon, and the Moon will go out of their way to try to bring out Mars’ sensitivity.
With this beautiful trine, this relationship could stand the test of time, but Mars needs to be careful to protect their partner emotionally, too. Their fiery nature may neglect the gentle and delicate nature of the moon. With a little effort and understanding, these two could have a truly devoted relationship.

Synastry Glossary

  • The aspects in your synastry chart decide your compatibility. That being said, find out how compatible are you and your partner using our Free Synastry Calculator .
  • Is your relationship not working out in ways you once dreamt? You and your partner could have some challenging aspects. Know more such aspects and ensure that you don’t have them in your synastry chart.
  • There’s one more way to find out if you and your partner are in sync with each other: Get your love compatibility report from UpAstrology and understand the unique and hidden nuances of your compatibility.
  • Sometimes, unfinished relationships are the most special one. They are called Karmic bonds. In such relationships, two souls come together just to keep promises that they may have made lifetimes ago. Find out if your relationship is a karmic bond. .
  • Do you have a sizzling chemistry with your partner? Find out why are you attracted to them like that and keep the fire burning forever.

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