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Ready for Love’s Upgrade? Embrace the Transformation of Venus Transit in Leo 2023!

What - Venus transit in Leo
When - June 5th to October 8th 2023
When in Retrograde - Venus retrogrades from July 22nd to September 3rd.
Major changes to expect in your personality - Surge in creativity, feel more confident than you usually do, feel like taking more chances (no matter how drastic they may seem), steep rise in libido.
Watch out for - Leaps in the ego, over-generosity, and vanity.

The Passionate Love Affair - In What Ways Will You Change for the Coming Months?

The incandescent sign of Leo is famous for its atomic nature and masculinity. Leo is the Yang of the zodiac, the Yang that is open, expressive and powerful. With Venus foraging into the territory of Leo, the energy shift will be tremendous.
The ruling element of Leo is fire, while water dominates Venus. Both these elements represent life, fertility and resourcefulness. Floating into the fire sign, Venus will cook up the passions of life. For the coming few months, you’ll see a marked rise in your passions.
The love affair between fire and water will be strange but will weave a mystical chemistry between you and your lover. You could be an otherwise resilient lover, but for these few months, the slightest disinterest from your lover’s side can put out the fire in you. It's all thanks to Venus in Leo! You’ll carry the Leonine grace but will also display childlike playfulness.
Fishing for compliments, craving PDA from your partner and romantic dates set against lavish backdrops will be the prime ideas of this transit.
Fire and water are conflicting. Together these two elements develop an active, passive kind of energy wherein you want to love in a hush-hush way but also wear your heart on your sleeve, with a dreamlike existence.
Check Your Compatibility

Did you know that your astrological compatibility with your partner can greatly affect your love life? Find out if you and your sweetheart are a good match using our free synastry chart calculator!

Things You Must Try Doing this Transit

Develop a New Hobby
The Leonine Venus is all about exploring your creative streak. Give a light knock to your cerebrum and watch the ideas spill! Curiosity and creativity go hand in hand. This transit gives a potent channel to vent out your creative nuances.
Choose a hobby and get going. This transit is all about learning to beautify things, be it in you or around you. This transit will tap into your unconscious levels and create energies that fall in perfect harmony that enable you to express your dormant talents.
Whether it's baking your favourite tart or cake, strumming the guitar or slapping some vibrant paint on the empty canvas - the entire point is to get creative<; your passions are definitely on fire! Besides the bed, also try emptying through a viable hobby.
Get Back to Your Unfinished Tasks
Completion can be satisfying. And satisfaction is one of the fundamental ideas of this transit. Get back to the tasks that you had left unfinished. If you had felt clogged or blocked while finishing them, then this transit is around to drive away your confusions.
Leo is a power-driven sign. With Venus for the coming few months, it's aiding your calibre to dive into the unfinished business and getting it cleared.
Stop Relying on Words of Affirmation
Affirmations are gratitude exercises that can feed your brain with optimism. However, stop relying on these words of affirmation. If you get them while you’re on your way, graciously accept them and walk your way. Hunting too much for others' approval and affirmation can make you anxious and frivolous.
Keep Commitments
Commitments nurture your relationships with a solid foundation and structure. Venus transit in Leo is a beautiful time but also a volatile one. The passions raging inside you can also make you go astray and a bit promiscuous.
So it's essential to keep commitments, especially in your relationships. You may feel like living a butterfly kind of existence during this time, but make sure that you remain loyal to your partner.
Groom Yourself
Venus in Leo is beauty magnified. You take pride in your love and also want your partner to feel the same for you. With beauty, good looks and refinement being the themes of this transit, groom yourself up.
Visit salons, get your dress game up, smell good and keep hygiene. Following simple beauty hacks can up your game and boost your desirability for the coming crucial months.
Keep the Pride Out
"If only I had a little humility, I'd be perfect," Ted Turner says. The combination of beauty and humility is a secret potion to attracting love and abundance this season (actually, any season!) But this transit is a bit different.
This transit will make you feel beautiful and glamorous. So keep your pride in check, or else you’ll have a lot to jeopardise during this transit.
Appreciate Art
Venus rules forms - as in beauty and symmetry. This transit is the best time to appreciate art and enhance your aesthetic sense. The primary purpose of Venus delving into the Leonine domains is to promote creativity.
Be it poetry, prose, dance or music, Art is often seen as a manifestation of God. Appreciating art in any form will harmonise your feelings, heal your wounds and align you with heavenly energies.
Feel Beautiful
You will naturally start feeling good once Venus slips into Leo. So pamper yourself with the best of creams, jade rollers, shower steamers, silk slippers, and scented candles. It could be anything that relaxes you and makes you feel chic.
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The Red Flags of Venus in Leo - The Wind Up

Leo in Venus is the high tide of love and romance. You’ll be quite vocal about your feelings and feel passionate about everything - and by everything, we mean everything.
Even the most mundane aspects of your life will pulsate with life. This Venusian epoch is marked by pride and passion. So while you freely express yourself and generously tip at the restaurants, avoid going overboard.
The incentives of this transit are many, but so are its repercussions.
Leo is a hot sign, and with Venus - the mound of passion entering it could sweep you off your feet. While you take pride in your assets, ‘don’t flaunt too much’ is the clear warning we’d like to give you. For instance, you may see a steep rise in your libido this transit.
Your sexual behaviour could generate a negative impact on other areas of life. Here, you may have difficulty maintaining a stable relationship owing to your stable behaviour.
So whether it's in bed or at a brewpub, the Leonine Venus is surely around to teach you the art of ‘calculated fun’.
Throughout its journey, the Venus transit in Leo, the mild and wild zones will come up as Venus angles with various other planets. Let’s say Venus squares Uranus in Taurus on Jul 2 at 10.33 AM.
Uranus is a volatile planet, Taurus is a wild sign, and Square is a difficult astrological angle.
Clubbing these three, you can now visualise the influence this combination can have on you (actually, all of us!).
For the major chunk of the transit, Venus stations retrograde. The issues surrounding love and money could come up, stagnate or run cold during this time. So while we could be going through the rock, it's essential to keep a thinking head over our shoulders.
The shift of Venus in Leo fuses the atomic nature of Leo and the physical heart of Venus. To crack both the delight and the agitation of this transit, enjoy the luxuries but without getting over-indulgent. Being simple is being elegant!

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