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The Seven Birth Chart Patterns and Their Meanings Explained

Nature and shapes share an intimate relationship. A simple Triangle is a telltale of Christianity representing the Trinity of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The zens of Buddhism use a circle to explain enlightenment.
In one religion God is represented with one geometrical shape. In another, the idea of the divine is presented in a totally different shape.

Various symbols are associated with different planets in occultism.
A flower might represent the symmetry of a star, but the dew drops on its petals show up as concentric circles of mist on a cold morning.
Forming beautiful patterns, the coherence and overlapping of these shapes give rise to a geometric cosmos.
But all these patterns are in Nature.
What if the similar geometric patterns are laid out on one's natal chart ?
The planets not only form certain shapes and patterns in your birth chart but also define your unique identity- that is beautiful, just like the geometry of nature.
The positions of planets and the patterns they form with each other influence your life physically, emotionally, mentally, and beyond. They make you who you are and give you your unique identity in the sea of people.
This correlation of planetary positions and patterns to human life, behavior, and overall identity inspired Marc Edmund Jones, The dean of American Astrology. He ended up designing distinct shapes called horoscopic patterns.
Based on the dispersal and scattering of the planets around the zodiac in a natal chart, Jones formulated seven horoscopic patterns.
These astrological patterns were See-saw, Bowl, Bucket, Splash, Bundle, Locomotive, and Splay.
Let’s see how what these patterns meant for a native’s birth chart…

See-Saw Shaped Chart

How is a see-saw birth chart formed?
The shape is formed when planets in two groups are bundled in an opposing fashion. Occupying two different corners opposite each other, the two bunches of planets reveal polarity in both the natal chart and in the temperament of the person.
How does having a sea-saw-shaped formation influence the native’s life?
Call it a see-saw, bow tie, or an hourglass. But this formation in the wheel of a horoscope indicates the delicate balance that the person is struggling to achieve and maintain. The see-saw chart is much like Libra, where the scales epitomize tilting but with a tendency to achieve equilibrium.
People having a see-saw configuration in their birth chart are at a tug of war between two contrasting directions. All through their lifetime, they get dilly-dally-ed in between the opposing forces, trying to find the balance.
What does having a Sea-Saw Shaped chart mean for the native?
  • For them, it's all about fine-tuning relationships both with people and with themselves.
  • Since they are always trying to find the middle ground, they become master of compromise.
  • By neutralizing the opposition with others and self, they seek to dissolve the dualism and become the natural peacemakers.
Examples of famous people who have sea-saw formation in their birth chart:
Sandra Bullock, an American actress, and philanthropist as well as Neil Diamond, an American singer-songwriter are See-saw personalities.

Bowl Shaped Chart

How is a bowl-shaped birth chart formed?
The arrangement of planets in the birth chart when joined together gives the shape of a bowl. Here, the planets occupy six of the twelve houses in the wheel of the zodiac.. Occupying one half i.e. 180 degrees of the wheel, the other half is left completely empty.
How does having a bowl-shaped formation influence the native’s life?
People with such bowl patterns in their birth chart are often very self-contained with their characteristics. They are strongly grounded, much like the base of a bowl.
The occupied half signifies the contribution that a person wants to make to the world, but the other half signifies the poignant emotions about things they lack in life. Individuals with this shape in the natal chart are resilient by nature. They know how to function best in times of crisis due to their steadfastness.
What does having a bowl-shaped chart mean for the native?
  • With their heart and minds in perfect synchrony, they will channel all their energy into whatever enterprise they take up.
  • These individuals often want to balance what is lacking in their lives owing to the one-half that's empty in their chart.
  • They tend to tilt towards a person or situation that satisfies and balances them out.
Examples of famous people who have bowl formation in their birth chart:
Katie Holmes, an American producer and director, Audrey Tautou, a French actress) as well as, Dominick Cruz, an American martial artist have bowl shape in their natal chart.

Bucket Shaped Chart

How is a Bucket-shaped birth chart formed?
The Bucket chart is the combination of a bowl in the 180 degrees of the wheel but with a single planet left out and on the opposite side of the bowl. This lone planet or the Singleton in one half becomes the 'handle' of the bowl placed in the other half of the zodiac wheel.
How does having a Bucket-shaped formation influence the native’s life?
The singleton planet plays the most important part in supporting the bucket, as it is the handle. It represents an arm that compensates for the lack in the native’s life. The resting bowl in its entirety can be lifted only through its arm and this is the theme of the 'bucket people'.
With a lone planet right above the head of the bowl, people with this formation have a single-minded focus in life.
What does having a Bucket Shaped chart mean for the native?
  • These people are highly enterprising.
  • Self-projection is the theme for these people.
  • They are self-contained, but the solidly placed lone planet gives them a single outlet to deal with things that are more on the 'outside'.
  • Bucket people are highly ambitious and can efficiently employ their talent to reach out to their goals. Imagine them to a stationary bowl or base that reaches out to its handle.
Examples of famous people who have bucket formation in their birth chart:
  • Marilyn Monroe, The Blond Bombshell of America, actress, model, and singer
  • Jacqueline Kennedy, First Lady of the United States
  • Prince Charles, the first-born son of Queen Elizabeth and the present King of Great Britain.

Splash Shaped Chart

How is a Splash birth chart formed?
Planets in the Splash chart are like margarine all over the piece of bread- they are all over the place.
In Splash Chart, the planets are spread in the entire zodiac wheel.
How does having a splash formation influence the native’s life?
The Splash people are jack of all trades and masters of none. No matter how hard they try, they just can’t change this thing about them.
Because the Splash pattern will give them no chance to focus on one particular thing.
People with this chart pattern are diverse and varied in their interests and abilities. This astrological pattern is rare and people born to this shape are charismatic.
What does having a splash chart mean for the native?
  • Due to scattering energies, Splash people find it hard to focus on one single thing or goal, but if they succeed in mastering their wide range of abilities, they come to realize their genius.
Examples of famous people who have splash formation in their birth chart:
  • Theodore Roosevelt, an American Statesman, writer, politician, and conservationist, naturalist
  • Bernadette Peters, an American Actress, singer, and author
  • Henry Mancini, American composer, conductor, pianist, and flutist

Bundle Shaped Chart

How is bundle shaped birth chart formed?
The planets in this type of natal chart tend to gather in a space confined to 120 degrees in the zodiac wheel, with the rest of the space left empty.
The clogging of planets in a smaller area produces energies that are tightened or concentrated in houses occupied by the planets.
How does having a bundle formation influence the native’s life?
The Bundle people manifest personality traits that are specific to those houses where the planets are tightly packed. Such people will never allow their energies to diffuse.
With only 120 degrees of occupied portion in the entire wheel, Bundle people tend to focus only on a smaller area of life ignoring others ignoring other important facets.
When faced with experiences and situations belonging to the other areas, they can feel lost, rejected, or marginalized.
What does having a splash chart mean for the native?
  • These people strongly hold onto their identities.
  • They have strong, unique personalities. They are truly powerful.
  • They are headstrong and often shun people's opinions.
  • They bravely pursue their passions in life.
  • Bundle personalities are highly magnetic. The tighter the group of planets they have in their birth chart, the stronger their magnetism.
Examples of famous people who have splash formation in their birth chart:
  • Benito Mussolini, Italian politician, journalist, and a pure totalitarian
  • George W Bush, 43rd President of the United States
  • Barbara Bach, an American actress and model, popularly known as the Bond Girl of America

Locomotive Shaped Chart

How is a locomotive shape chart formed?
Locomotive people set their rules and have their own manner in which they do things. People having this kind of planetary assortment in their natal charts are dynamic. They are highly practical and rarely display an obsessive streak for anything.
How does having a locomotive formation influence the native’s life?
In this formation of the birth chart, the planets occupy two-thirds of the place.
That means the scattered planets occupy 240 degrees of the entire zodiac wheel.
The remaining space of 120 degrees remains empty.
What does having a locomotive chart mean for the native?
  • They are single-minded and always motivated to run their lives by themselves.
  • They are strong people with immense perseverance.
  • These people are highly driven individuals.
  • However, the empty space in their birth chart represents unexpressed.
Examples of famous people who have locomotive formation in their birth chart:
  • Pat Boone, an American television personality
  • Bobby Fischer, eleventh world chess champion
  • Jane Russell Hollywood's leading sex symbol
These are some Locomotive personalities.

Splay Chart

How is a Splay chart formed?
In Splay formation in the birth chart, the planets form three tightly packed clusters in the shape of a tripod. The three groups of planets are placed at an interval of 60 degrees each.
This is an extremely rare planetary pattern. Mark Edward Jones, the discoverer of the 7 patterns of the birth chart, called it the 'pattern of genius'.
How does having a Splay formation influence the native’s life?
Tripod is all for balance and stability. They can stand on the true foundation on which highest of the intelligence and genius can be achieved. It signifies equilibrium.
What does having a splay chart mean for the native?
People born to this shape believe 'it all lies in fate'. This is what makes them highly self-assured and tranquil in the most dangerous of situations.
  • If they use their conviction coupled with self-assurance, they can activate their energies and bring out the true genius in them.
Examples of famous people who have splay formation in their birth chart:
  • Sri Aurobindo, an Indian poet, philosopher, and guru
  • Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States)
  • Sally Field, American actress and director
These are some famous Splay people.

Birth Chart Glossary

  • Want to know what pattern the planets form in your birth chart? Quickly use our free birth chart calculator and find out.
  • And if you want an even deeper explanation of what those planetary positions and patterns mean for you, you can check out our new, detailed Birth Chart Report.
  • If you want to stay updated with current astrological trends affecting your life or see how your life is unfolding for you, Download our free astrology app.
  • Do you want to know what is your vibe and how you paint the world in your color? You need to know the Influence of your signature sign In astrology.
  • Did you know that the date of your birth carries your karmic messages? if these are your birthdates, we have your messages.

Conclusion #

These chart shapes given out by Marc Edmund Jones are kind of messengers and along with the expressed traits, also highlight the ones that are muted or silenced.

Gifts could be given by the direct means of planets, stars and their apt positions.

But it’s up to us to unwrap them and see what is hidden under the colored foils of the planetary pattern. This is where the free will of the human mind comes into the picture.

Our wide range of emotions are the reactions produced in response to the energies radiating from these planets and the various geometry they create.

Whatever the shape formed, we are the instrument of celestial expression though which higher forces work and make their presence apparent to mankind.

Talent is like a clumped pool of frozen energies.When tapped with utmost conviction, the energies can be thawed and brought on the material planes. And if the reservoir is left untapped, the highest skill of the human mind can never be expressed.

Ultimately, it's our conscious choices that shape our destiny. Life is indeed what we make of it.

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