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Full Moon in Capricorn 2023: How to Leverage July's Buck Moon for Positive Change

What - Full Moon in Capricorn
When - July 3 2023, at 7.39 AM ET
What you can expect - Emotional outbursts, shyness, resentment and a profound need to help others
Things you need to watch out for - Your bone health and seek approval from the outside world

It's Cancer♋️ versus Capricorn ♑️ this Full Moon 🌕

The Full Moon in Capricorn builds up when the Sun in Cancer opposes the Moon in Capricorn.
The stark polarity between Cancer and Capricorn creates an atrium of energy that is both mystical and revealing.
Cancer represents water, while Capricorn is an earth sign. However, standing poles apart during the Full Moon, both these signs are feminine in nature and complement each other. These signs work together but churn conflicting energies in the right and left hemispheres of your brain!
Let’s see how you can neutralize these opposing energies and harness them to achieve a greater good.

How Do You Neutralize the Polarity between Cancer and Capricorn?

Cancer denotes the heart and connects with the Yin energy. Supremely feminine in nature, this sign signifies our deep need to nurture others. Its ruling planet is the Moon.
Capricorn, on the other hand, also denotes the Yin energy and is symbolized by the Goat. Its natural ruler is Saturn.
Goat is the powerful symbol of independence, whilst Cancer or Crab doesn't mind being dependent.
Crabs and Goats represent resilience, but they both are markedly different in their unique ways. Capricorn speaks of piercing stoicism and Cancer symbolizes innate sensitivity.
The Moon is all about expanding your emotions, and Saturn deals with limitations and concepts of reality.
So this Full Moon, you’ll see your opposing natures come to the fore. You’ll experience a deep need to serve and nurture others, and at the same time, you’ll also try to push yourself towards your destined potential - all happening as a silent inward process, something that is peculiar to feminine zodiac signs.
Standing at the polarities of your own existence, the energy build-up of this Full Moon will swing you into emotional outbursts. Confusion will play out on your mental screen, but remember that the opposition is always about achieving a fine balance between what you can do and what you must let go.
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Unearth your Root and Grow on your Goal - But do not get Swept in the Process

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the July 3 Full Moon is also called the Buck Moon. During this time, the male deers or the Bucks shed their antlers and regrow them. This is the time when their antlers are in full growth mode.
The Buck antlers represent male strength and fertility, and the Moon connotes the peak of feminine energy.
You’ll feel the effects of the Buck Moon more strongly than the other Full Moons, for its orbit will be closer to the Earth. It's one of the brightest Full Moons of the year. The effects of the Full Moon in Capricorn will thus be noticeably felt by us all.
The shedding and regrowth of the antlers are symbolic of regeneration. It's during this time, the Cap Full Moon, that you’ll stumble upon your strengths, discover your actual potential and get a chance to build on it.
The Sun in Cancer signifies your soul - or rather, the sprouting of your innate desires. It's the root, the foundation of your journey.
With the Full Moon in Capricorn, it represents the culmination of these desires. This phase of the Moon in the Goat marks your ‘final transformation’ and also the transcendence of your desires.
Crabs, by nature, can walk sideways, and goats, by nature, are trained to climb rocky terrains. This Full Moon gives you fine intellect to sidestep to avoid unnecessary drama, but keep climbing the rocky terrains to reach your goals.
In the coming two weeks, you may lose your balance intermittently. But don’t get swept away!
This Full Moon will kick you off your pench only to end your bewilderment with more structured ideas. The polarity between the two signs will fling you back to balance and keep fueling your metamorphosis.
Things like emotion and intuition that began at the root will find its culmination - its ultimate growth in the earth sign of Capricorn. Just like the earth soaking up the water through capillary action, this Full Moon signifies a pure alignment between your roots and goals, where goals mark the final fruition of your efforts.

The Cap Full Moon Empowers You to Solidify Your Ideas

The Full Moon in Capricorn connects with Mercury and Saturn.
Mercury rules the nervous system, the brain, and new ideas. On the other hand, Saturn gives you the ability to direct action.
With the coalesced effects of Saturn and Mercury, they give you the power to solidify your ideas and take firm action over them. So there’s no castle building in the air!
So this Full Moon is kinda laissez for you. It gives your ideas unrestricted access to movements without losing the power of manifestation.
Clearly, this Goat Full Moon is not fantasy versus reality, but let’s say, fantasy meeting reality!
The next few weeks will be a great time to pursue your interests, finish the projects you’ve left in the cans, and manifest your ideas on a tangible level. If you really have a few shenanigans, then this is the right time to manifest them!
To fully derive the complete benefits of this inward process, here are five simple and most effective Full Moon in Capricorn rituals.
Related Article 🌕 9 Full Moon Rituals to Perform

5 Potent Capricorn Full Moon Rituals

Spend some time in nature 🌳
Capricorn is an earth sign and directly connects with the verde.
Full Moon is the most magical time, and what better way to spend it amidst the greens! Under the moonlit night (and also for the next two weeks), take a walk in the nearby gardens.
If you spot a tree, don’t miss to meditate underneath. If it's a busy metropolitan life and you see no chance of escaping to the nearby gardens, then surround yourself with home plants.
Plants have a direct effect on the CNS (Central Nervous System) and trigger various brain functions. We also suggest you take treks in deep forests when the Moon fully blooms in Capricorn.
Eat Healthy 🥗
If you’d ever wish you could alter your diet, then this is the time. Include plenty of fruits, greens, and water in your diet. If you’re in for junk, heavy spices, caffeine, and alcohol, then it's time you slump into these acidic foods. Besides eating healthy, watch out to ‘eat mindfully’.
Eating your meals with complete awareness will enable you to utilize the cyclic energy of the Moon. Both Cancer and Capricorn are the signs of resilience and natural healing.
Eating right and in balance will augment these two core themes of the Capricorn Full Moon.
Cut off from the humdrum 🪓
Now we surely do not convey that you isolate yourself from others. But create a special place for yourself during the coming weeks after the Full Moon. This personal space will restore your lost energy and rejuvenate you.
Paint, dance, write, meditate (and this isn’t optional) - pursue anything that you like. Away from the prying eyes, personal space will make you feel safe and comfortable. Choose a corner in your house or the library that you visit - it could be anything.
Just create your special zone and recharge yourself.
Make small changes ✨
The Full Moon in Capricorn promises an ability to fulfill the promises you make. Capricorn is a sign of stern commitment. So any changes that you make in your schedule will stick for a long time.
Watch your daily routine and cultivate essential moments of silence. Cut your screen time, take a walk before and after your lunch, read a page (from a book, magazine, or newspaper) without checking your phone - choose your changes!
Take small steps and see what Cap Full Moon does for you!
Relax 😌
Sometimes it's important to ‘just do nothing’. The Capricorn Full Moon will push some excess energy up your spine. It's not always essential to engage in rigorous activity to neutralize this energy. This Full Moon, just clean up the clutter and relax.
Take a shower, play some soothing music, order your favorite pizza (we don’t highlight eating junk. But letting your diet lose once in a while could be relaxing) and pick up a glass of your favorite drink.
You do it your way! The whole point is just to relax and be kind to yourself.

What Does the Capricorn Full Moon Teach Us?

The Full Moon is in Goat, and you’ll see a stark contrast in your otherwise docile moods.
We aren’t saying that you’re born mild and meek, but this Full Moon, you’ll surely see some great change in your persona.
You’ll be a taskmaster who procrastinates no longer.
In fact, you’ll pitch in harder to finish what you started. While you work towards your goals, this Full Moon (since the Sun rests in the sign of Cancer) will give you a chance to tune into your innermost feelings.
Let’s say, this Full Moon, you could be a perfect blend of silk and steel. You’ll be beautiful but also lethal. You’ll be compassionate but also calculative.
You’ll learn to balance the opposing natures of your existence. The Capricorn Full Moon will effectively teach you when to let go and when to hold on. And that’s sheer ‘emotional intellect’ when Cancer and Capricorn rest poles apart but also complement each other at the same time.
The hyped-up Yin energy (since both Cancer and Capricorn are feminine signs) could lead to Yang deficiency in this Full Moon.
But ultimately, the silent unfolding of your inward processes will secretly balance out all that you feel you’re deficient in, resulting in the perfect balance of energies.

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